Lady Captain - Judy Goodfellow - Vice Captain - Diane McLuskey -
The President's Cup takes place on Saturday 1st July. (draw later in week).
Please be aware that there is an entry fee of £1. ( Mandatory)
There will also be optional:-
£1 sweep.
50p for twos.
Please put money in a brown envelope with details of name / amount money/ money breakdown on outside of envelope.
The envelope should then be placed in gents box.
Thankyou all and have a lovely day.
Summer League (9)
Alison Ballantyne (40) 42 points
Cathy McNab (34) 34 points.
Louise McCann (40) 37 points. acb
Annie Hunter (25) 37 points.
Avril Melville (26) 35 points
Sheila Bailey (18) 19 points
Maureen Callander (19) 13 points.
SGL MEDAL and Championship Qualifier.
Div 1 .
Dawn Butchart (11) nett 70 acb
Connie MacKenzie (19) Nett 70
Judy Goodfellow (12) Nett 74. acb
Jane Douglas (19) Nett 74
Div 2.
Rena Lister (24) Nett 75 acb
Mary West (27) Nett 75
On a beautiful sunny day, 16 couples took to the fairways, as usual with good scoring, many thanks to Jack and Sheena for sponsoring this event.
The results are as follows:-
Ladies nearest the pin Susan Ogg.
Gents nearest the pin Gavin Greig.
Ladies longest drive Leslie Haynes.
Gents longest drive Mike Stiell.
In third place after countback was Gavin Greig and Jane Millar with 43 points.
In second place after countback was Fred and Sandra Barber with 43 points.
The winners of the Jack Scott Trophy were Ian and Ann Cameron with 45 points.
Summer League (8)
A Ballantyne (43) 42 points
C McNab (34) 37 points.
Div 1.
A Cameron (19) nett 70 (acb)
S Scott (14) nett 70
Div 2.
S Millar (23) nett 67
M Anderson (30) nett 70.
9 Hole Stableford.
K Livingston (18). 16 points.
L Haynes (19) nett 64
A Baird (12). nett 73 ( acb).
Please indicate on prepared sheet as to your availability on finals day. the 29th July
Please complete this prior to play on Wednesday.
Summer League. (6)
Rena Lister ( 24) 36 points.
Alison Ballantyne (43). 32 points.
Katie Livingston (35) 32 points.
Charity Stableford.(2)
Louise McCann (42) 43 points
Lorraine Wallace (29). 37 points
Catherine Parrott (28). 37 points
9 Hole Stableford.
Linda Ross. 10 points.
Scott Trophy (3)
Marjory Stewart (50). Nett 70
Lesley Haynes (19). 71
Christine Bruce (16). 72
The first Championship Qualifier is now available for booking online. This is the first of 4 qualifiers of which the best 2 combined rounds will count for the Finals. ( Championship and Rosebowl finals).
May I remind you that under no circumstances can anyone be added to the competition once the draw deadline has passed so please ensure your booking is fully completed if wishing to play.
On the day of the qualifiers, a sign up sheet for players will be available to confirm they are available / not available to play on Saturday 29th July. (Finals Day).
This information is also in your fixture book but if any queries please ask.
Good luck all.