Sunday, June 20, 2021

Strathmore Ladies Tops


Strathmore Ladies Tops

Some discussion has taken place within the ladies’ section about having a polo shirt or sweater with the Strathmore logo on it for playing in our friendly matches, the handicap league – or just playing any time on the golf course! Many of our opponents have tops in team colours – but please note that there is absolutely no obligation to purchase either to be able to play in any Strathmore events!!

Glenmuir has our logo and will embroider free of charge and our golf shop has offered a very competitive price plus a tiered discount for orders received: 10 orders – 10% discount, 15 orders -15% discount and 20 or more -20% discount. This will be dependent on definite orders with commitment to purchase. (Any orders made out with the bulk order will receive the normal 10% discount).

The preferred style and colour of the polo shirt is shown: Glenmuir, Gina, in magenta/white – cost without discount £36.  

10% discount- £32.40      15% discount -£30.60   20% discount -£28.80


The preferred cotton sweater is: Glenmuir, Willa in magenta – cost without discount £59.

10% discount -£53.10    15% discount -£50.15    20% discount -£47.20


Further details on both tops are available at


Posters are also up on the Ladies noticeboard next to the knockout draws, including a size guide.

Again, there is no obligation to purchase either of these tops but if you are interested in either of the above, with the Strathmore logo, please let me know and I will collate orders and confirm prices as soon as possible before placing an order.

Thank you,
