Friday, December 30, 2005


Some 20 members took the opportunity to walk off all that Christmas food by taking part in our annual Boxing Day Texas Scramble. For once the weather was actually very nice! We split up into five groups, each group consisted of four players one being a lady who was elected team captain. It was a great day with lots of fun. The scoring was very good, the winning team was captained by Dawn Butchart with team members Iain Butchart, Ian Taylor and Tony Sive. Their gross score was 59 which included 4 2's!! The net was 52.75.
The results were as follows:

1st Dawn Butchart, Iain Butchart, Ian Taylor & Tony Sive 52.75
2nd Sandy Bushby,John Wood,Bob Thomson & Homish Campbell 55.875
3rd Chris Tinker, Pete Tinker, Eric Gray & Rod Hale-Brooks 56.55

Here are some pictures of the day.

A wee drink after play!

The Winning Team!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

1st M. Young 22points bih
" B. Buckett 22 "
3rd J McCouig 21 "

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

1st B. BUCKETT 24points
2nd M. NICOL 19points
3rd J McCOUIG, C. TINKER, M. STRACHAN all with 18points

Monday, December 12, 2005


A few photos from the successful turkey trot!

Getting ready for the off!

A glass of something to warm us up!

Now to the important part of the day!

We even had reindeers joining in on our day!

Lots of happy faces!

If I don't see you all before Christmas may I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year. Hope Santa's good, have fun!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

1st TEE TIME 10.00am
A very enjoyable day, lovely weather, good food and great company. congratulations to the following.
1st C. Sturgis 26 points
2nd G Allardice 25 points (after count back)
2nd B. Buckett 25 points
Nearest the pin H. Ross

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Wednesday 30th November
1st Rhona McGeoghegan 24points
2nd Rhona McIntosh 23 "
3rd Marion Robertson 22 "

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Winter League Results
November 23rd
1st Marion Robertson 25points
2nd Rhona McIntosh 24 " )
2nd Chris Sturgis 24 " )

Thursday, November 17, 2005


The Scottish Ladies Golf Association are holding their AGM on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 at 11.00am at the Quality Hotel in Perth. This meeting is open to all ladies but voting powers are limited.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Winter League 16th November Results
1st Annette Grewar 24points
2nd Gillian Allardice 23 "
3rd Christabel Tinker 20 "

Monday, November 14, 2005

HI THERE everyone. At last I,ve completed my first 18 holes of the winter league and how I wish it was summer again !!!!! Fantastic Dawn linking us to all these websites. We can all be up to date with P&K and other news so easily now. Happy logging on ladies. Annette

Sunday, November 13, 2005


On the top right hand side of this page, below contributors, you will see a new header "Links". These 'links' are to the P&K Ladies County Golf Web site which is a very useful for P&K members to see draws, results and news relating to P&K players. Also is a 'Link' to the SLGA website which provides information relating to Scottish Ladies Events and competitions and the last is to the Gillian Kirkwood website which is a very informative website geared for lady golfers. In the summer this is a great site which is updated daily.
To use the links simply click on the one you want to view and that will take you directly there.
If there are any more useful sites you would like to 'link' to please let me know.

Hope you like it!

Friday, November 11, 2005

AGM 2005

Strathmore Golf Club held its annual AGM last night at the Club. It was very well attended and the speakers informed us of the years events. Annette highlighted some of Ladies golfing events of the year and reminded us of all the great days we all enjoyed with friends.

Prizegiving followed and below is a photo of the Ladies prizewinners on the night:

Back row left to right Jane Taylor (Vice Captain) Linda Holmes, Isobel Hughes. Jane Douglas, Chris Tinker. Chris Sturgis, Marion Robertson. Front row left to right Annette Grewar (Captain), Sheena Scott, Dawn Butchart (Club Champion) Jenny Groom and Rhona McGeoghegan

Rumour has it that the gents also have a wee look at this website so just for them here's a photo of their prizewinners too!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Winter League 9th November
On a lovely day 13 ladies turned out to play.
1st Wilma Nicol 26 points
2nd Chris Tinker 23 points
3rd Joan McCouig 22 points

Well done Wilma

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Our Ladies AGM and Dinner 2005 took place last night. It was well attended and as always Louise provided a lovely meal for us all. Annette chaired the meeting and Jane Taylor presented her with a lovely bouquet of flowers on behalf of all the ladies for all her hard work over the year. We are all delighted that Annette has agreed to continue as our Captain for a further year.

Here are a few of our members who were presented with Certificates by Annette they are as follows:

Lady Captain Annette Grewar presents Fanny Christie with the Most Improved player. Fanny reduced her playing handicap by 8 shots!

Also presented with Improved Player awards was Jane Douglas (right) and Rhona McGeoghegan who both reduced their handicaps by 5 shots.

Marion Robertson was also presented with the Attendance Award, Marion took part in 52 qualifying competitions over the summer!! Quite a feat!

Other members also received Certificates but unfortunately were unable to attend they were as follows. Margaret Strachan for her Hole in One, Barbara Maxwell for reducing her handicap by 8 and Suzanne Brough for reducing her handicap by 6.

Well done all these ladies and a very big thank you to all the ladies who took came along and supported the evening.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

3 club event played in unfavourable conditions on Wednesday 19th October was won by Rhona McGeoghegan. Well done

Monday, October 17, 2005


You will all have received your invitations to the Ladies AGM and Dinner on Monday 31st October at the clubhouse. This is always a great evening however we do need to arrange numbers for seating and of course Louise will require numbers for catering. I would therefore urge you to return your slips as soon as possible to Isobel Hughes personally or pop them in the box in the ladies locker room.
Thank you

A great turn out of 22 couples made our Mixed Invitation Day a great sucess. The scoring was high and the wining couple was Dawn Butchart and her Guest Ralph Taylor with 42 stableford points. Our thanks go to Jack Scott for all his hard work and Louise for providing a most wonderful buffet. All these efforts are rewarded by all the positive coments made by the guests. Well done all.

The results of the day were as follows:

1st Dawn Butchart and Ralph Taylor 42
2nd Judy Goodfellow and S Goghill 39 bih
3rd Annette Grewar and John Mann 39

On what is the last counting competition of the year, Gillian Allardice had a super round and won the Stableford Winners Trophy. Gillian had 38 points and with the CSS at 72 her handicap was cut to 26, well done Gillian. Marion Robertson also had a good round with 34 points. Annette Grewar won the DWAS.

Well done all.

Friday, October 14, 2005


On behalf of the Ladies Section we would all like to send our warm wishes to Peter Tinker for a speedy recovery from his recent operation.
Peter is doing well and is hoping to be home very soon.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Unfortunately 'Desperate Discard' was indeed desperate with very bad playing conditions the competition was disbanded. Therefore we are all hoping for a better day next Wednesday for 'Three Clubs and a Putter' competition. The draw is as follows:

09.22 R Fraser J Merry R McGeoghegan
09.30 A Maclachlan H Graham S Bushby
09.37 G Allardice C Sturgis S Peacock
09.45 B Buckett C Tinker J Douglas
09.52 M Young A Grewar R Wight
10.00 M Robertson S Bailey I Hughes

This will be a sweep therefore only 50p entry.

The draw for Saturday's Stableford Winners and DWAS competition is as follows:

12.00 G. Allardice F Christie
12.07 R. Fraser M Robertson D Butchart
12.15 S Scott A Grewar I Hughes

Here's hoping it stops raining in time!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Anke Maclachlan presents the Senior Ladies Trophy to 2005 winner Chris Tinker.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


I am off on a weeks holiday in the sun and with Jenny away as well there will be no draws or results posted on the web site for the next week. Please contact the club house if you need to know you tee time, or phone Annette.

See you all when I get back.

The draw for wednesdays Hidden Holes is as follows, lets hope the weather is a little more kind!

09.07 S Bushby C Tinker
09.15 R Fraser R McGeoghegan
09.22 W Nicoll M Menzies E Fenwick
09.30 A Maclachlan S Peacock M Ogilvie
09.37 J Goodfellow C Sturgis H Graham
09.45 R McIntosh I Hughes L Ross
09.52 J Merry M Robertson L Holme
10.00 R. Wight G Allardice J. McCouig

Despite awful playing conditions 10 ladies completed the course, well done to them. However one lady certainly excelled herself returning a score of 38 stableford points was Chris Tinker. Well done Chris. The full results were as follows:

Chris Tinker (23) 38
Anke Maclachlan (27) 34
Joan McCoiug (29) 32

The CSS was 71 and the scissors were out for Chris who is now (22.2) 22.

Friday, September 30, 2005


Our past Captains and present Captain had their annual golf day yesterday. The scoring was extremely good with two past captains playing below their handicap. Dawn Butchart had 43 stableford points which equates to a gross score of 69. This scores breaks the course record however as the competition was non counting (only 13 clubs) it will not be recorded. Wilma Nicoll also had a great score of 40 stableford points.
The Captains also had a lovely meal followed by prizegiving.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Everyone just got in before the downpour and it was a very 'merry day' as we all were treated to a glass of buck fizz and some very nice birthday cake to celebrate the very special birthdays of Sheena and Rhoda!

Our Lady Captain, Annette Grewar was the overall winner with 35 points just pipping Judy Goodfellow with a better back 9. Well done! The scores were as follows:

CSS 71

Annette Grewar (16) 35 bih
Judy Goodfellow (16) 35
Rhona McGeoghegan (30) 34 bih
Sheena Scott (13) 34 bih
Gillian Allardice (26) 34

Well done all.

Many happy returns of the day to our two 'Birthday Girls' Sheena Peacock and Rhoda Fraser. Hope you both have a lovely day!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


With Jenny Groom on her way to New Zealand to spend sometime with her daughter and 'new grand-daughter' it's me that will do the draw's meantime! So if you have any problems or are not in the draw and want to play then please let me know!

The draw is as follows:

09.15 A Grewar, W Nicoll
09.15 S. Scott, J Merry
09.22 J. Goodfellow R Wight A Maclachlan
09.30 M Robertson, C Tinker R McIntosh
09.37 M. Strachan, M. Menzies S Bailey
09.45 I Hughes, R. McGeoghegan G Allardice
09.52 L. Ross , F. Christie J. McCouig
10.00 R. Fraser S. Peacock J. Douglas

Alternative Day

12.00 S Bushby D Tinker M West

I can't believe it, but yes it is true.....the CSS went up!!!! Yes the CSS for yesterdays play was 73! The first time this has happened for a long time. However that did not mean that some of the scoring was not low, if fact there were three players who played under par. Dawn Butchart shot a scratch 73 matching the CSS, her nett score was 68. Also in the silver division Marion Robertson posted a nett 71 and in the Bronze division new, and very welcome, member Linda Holme shot a nett 70. Well done to all. The full results are as follows:

Dawn Butchart 73

Silver Handicap
Dawn Butchart (5) 68
Marion Robertson (19) 71
Judy Goodfellow (16) 75

Bronze Handicap
Linda Holme (36) 70
Wilma Nicoll (29) 73
Sheena Peacock (21) 76 bih
Chris Tinker (23) 76

The scissors were also out last night for the following players:
Dawn Butchart (4.0) 4, Marion Robertson (18.2) 18 and Linda Holme (34.5) 35

Well done all.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Autumn Meeting
A good entry again on what looked like being a wet day but fortunately the rain cleared and the conditions were not too bad although a little cold.
The CSS was 72 and the results are as follows
Scratch Dawn Butchart 76
Alexander Bushby 82
Sandy Bushby 84

Handicap Mary West 70 (29)
Dawn Butchart 71 ( 5)
Jenny Groom 72 (24)

Well done again to Mary another handicap cut.
Ladies Invitation Day
A really good turnout making for a most successful day.
Good weather, great company and lovely food.
Congratulations to all the prize winners
1st Jane Douglas & Mari Brown
2nd Fanny Christie & B. Stewart
3rd Dorothy Benzies & Joyce Flannagan

Best front nine ( outwith prizes) Jill Barron & Susan Cairney
" back " " Margaret Young & M. Aitkin
Other winners were, Gladys Pennycook, Helen Dix, Isabel Chapman,
Jean Laburn, Annette Grewar & Margaret Young

Friday, September 16, 2005

Extra Day Medal
Wednesday 21st September
The draw is as follows
09.22 S. Bushby L. Holmes
09.30 C. Tinker J. Groom J. Merry
09.37 R. Wight M. Strachan G. Allardice
09.45 A. MacLachlan R. Fraser R. McGeoghegan
09.52 M. Menzies J. McCouig S. Peacock
10.00 F. Christie W. Nicol M. Robertson

outwith the draw
D. Butchart

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

12.00 START



On a very warm and sunny Sunday, 16 ladies and 16 gents battled out the annual contest for the 'wooden spoon'. The ladies were victorious with a 5-3 win, and our Lady Captain Annette Grewar handed over the coveted spoon to Gents Vice Captain Jack Scott.
The ladies not only showed their great skill and dexterity over the course but also displayed a great deal of modesty at their win!

Well done ladies!

Monday, September 12, 2005


On a rather cool day, the 7th round of the Scott Trophy took place. Once again the scoring was good and the CSS reduced to 71. Sheena Scott had a fantastic round of nett 67. Well done Sheena. The results were as follows:


Dawn Butchart 76


Sheena Scott (14) 67
Dawn Butchart (5) 71
Gillian Allardice (26) 72
Fanny Christie (24) 73

And ofcourse the scissors were out for Sheena after that score. Sheena is now playing off 13 (13.0). Well done Sheena.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


The weather was kind for most of the players this wednesday however it did get a bit wet later in the day! However the scoring was very good once again and the CSS was down to 71. Joan Merry played another round under her 'new' handicap producing a magnificent 69, not to be outdone Barbara Maxwell also shot a 69 in the bronze division. Excellent scoring by both ladies, the full results were as follows:

Dawn Butchart 78

Silver Medal
Joan Merry (20) 69
Annette Grewar (16) 72
Dawn Butchart (4) 74 bih
Sandy bushby (9) 74

Bronze Medal
Barbara Maxwell (27) 69
Jenny Groom (24) 72
Wilma Nicoll (29) 73
Rhona McGeoghegan (30) 75

The following players managed to reduce their handicap

Joan Merry (18.9) 18 and Barbara Maxwell (26.2) 26, well done to both.

Sorry the results are a wee bit late in being posted however all the ladies were quite busy on Thursday playing in some match or other, can't quite remember what it was nor can I remember the result for the web site. Shame!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Ladies Invitation Day 14th September
Pleased to see such a good entry.
Hope everyone has a good and enjoyable game.
Fingers crossed for the weather.
The Draw is as follows
1st Tee &10th Tee
D.Butchart & J. Griffiths+ J.Merry & M Betts
A Grewar & B Lyburn+ J.Douglas &M. Brown
J.Groom & M.Young+ M.Robertson & J. Donaldson
A.MacLachlan&J. Leyburn+W.Nicol&E. Allan
J. French & G. Pennycook+ S.Bushby&H.Dix
J. Barron & S Carney+ D.Benzies & J.Flannagan
M.M.Young& M. Aitkin+M.West&McLaren
M.Nicol&J.Stenhouse+J.Myles& Guest
S.Bailey&E. Black+J.McCouig&E.Christie
R. Wight & J. Huey + M. Strachan & A. King

Thursday, September 01, 2005


On a day of varied weather the scoring was once again very good, bringing the CSS down to 71. The bronze winner of the day was Margaret Young who had a net 69, well done Margaret, the best scratch was Dawn Butchart with a 74, Dawn also won the silver medal with a net 70. The full results are as follows:

Dawn Butchart 74

Silver Medal
Dawn Butchart (4) 70
Marion Robertson (19) 71
Annette Grewar (16) 73
Joan Merry (19) 75
Sheena Scott (14) 76

Bronze Medal
Margaret Young (23) 69
Fanny Christie (24) 70
Wilma Nicoll (30) 71 bih
Jennifer Groom (24) 71
Mary Menzies (25) 74

The scissors were also out again last night for the following players, some were cut under the new stableford ruling.

Marion Robertson (18.3) Margaret Young (21.7) Wilma Nicoll (28.4) Robyn Wight (28.1)
Well done to these ladies.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


On what was extremely difficult weather conditions, 21 ladies braved the elements to take part in the Young Quaich and it was a young player who succeeded in playing below her handicap in that dreadful wind! Congratulations go to Charlotte Bushby who scored 37 points two points clear of the rest of the field, well done. Five further ladies did score 35 points so well done to them. The CSS was 72 and results as follows.

Charlotte Bushby (21) 37
Anke Maclachlan (27) 35 bih
Rhona McGeoghegan (30) 35 bih
Annette Grewar (16) 35 bih
Mary Menzies (25) 35 bih
Dawn Butchart (4) 35

Well done all and lets hope the weather calms down next week!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


On our penultimate Summer League day the weather was beautiful and six ladies took advantage of what was forecast to be the best day of the week. Scoring was good. The results were as follows:

Dawn Butchart (5) 39
Marion Robertson (20) 35
Rhoda Fraser (25) 34

Css 72

I did manage to give myself a cut to 4 however as I am now 4.4 I look forward to my one and only game at 4 soon!!

Strathmore Ladies held a friendly inter-club match against Kirriemuir yesterday. The company was excellent the meal suberb and the least said about the result the better.

Our thanks go to Kirriemuir Ladies and looking forward to playing with them again.

Monday, August 22, 2005


On what was a glorious summers day some good scores were posted and the CSS was reduced to 71. Fifteen Ladies took part and we all got round in good time! Fanny Christie was the star of the day with a net 67!!! Well done Fanny. Alexandra Bushby topped the scratch scores with a 77. Well done. The scores were as follows:


Alexandra Bushby 77
Dawn Butchart 78
Sandy Bushby 83


Fanny Christie (26) 67
Marion Robertson(19) 70
Jenny Groom (24) 72 bih
Alexandra Bushby (5) 72

The scissors were well and truly out for Fanny as she was cut from 26 to 24! Well done you!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Draw is as follows for the Young Quaich.
Wednesday 24th August

09.15 M. Young M. Robertson
09.22 S. Peacock M. Menzies J. Groom
09.30 C. Tinker J. McCouig E. Fenwick
09.37 J. Merry A. Grewar R. Fraser
09.45 S. Bushby. M. MacLachlan R. Wight
09.52 R. McIntosh C. Bushby S. Bailey
10.00 W. Nicol R. McGeoghegan I. Hughes

17.22 S. Scott D. Butchart M. West

Friday, August 19, 2005

Good entry for Scott Trophy 6

The draw is as follows

12.52 S. Brough F. Christie S. Scott
13.00 H. Graham R. McGeoghegan S. Bushby
13.07 D. Butchart R. Fraser J. Merry
13.15 M. Robertson C. Tinker A. Bushby
13.22 J. Groom C. Bushby I. Hughes S. Peacock

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Not such a summery day yesterday infact it was a very wet night! However that didn't seem to stop some great scores being posted in the evenings play. Sandy Bushby shot a scratch 75 as did Dawn Butchart. Jane Taylor playing off 14 shot a scratch 78 nett 64!! Great scoring from Jane! Well done. Also congratulations go once again to Rhoda Fraser who is the bronze winner for the day with a great score of nett 68. Well done Rhoda. The full results are as follows:


Sandy Bushby 75
Dawn Butchart 75

Silver Medal:

Jane Taylor (14) 64
Sandy Bushby (10) 65
Annette Grewar (17) 69
Dawn Butchart (5) 70

Bronze Medal

Rhoda Fraser (27) 68
Mary West (30) 69
Joan McCouig (29) 72 bih
Jill Barron (33) 72

The CSS was 71. The following players had a cut to their handicap:
Jane Taylor (12), Sandy Bushby (9) Annette Grewar (16) Rhoda Fraser (25) Mary West will also have a cut but she is an away player therefore that will be processed by her home course.
Well done to all.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Marion Robertson and Dawn Butchart made the best of a lovely summers evening when both players shot 39 points. Marion pipped Dawn with a better inward half. As only 4 players took part the CSS remained at 72.

Monday, August 15, 2005


A great fun day was had by 20 members who held a mixed texas scramble on Sunday. The weather was really lovely and althouth the course was still a little wet it had dried out quite a lot from Saturday.
Screams of delight as putts dropped where heard from all over the course!! The winning team for the day was Jenny Groom, Marion Robertson, Jack Scott and David Robinson. Well done!


On a day of very heavy showers the CSS went up to 73 with only two players in buffer! The course was very wet and casual water was on most fairways, not quite what we have been used to. The results were as follows:

Dawn Butchart (5) 72
Suzanne Brough (27) 73
Sandy Bushby (10) 77

Lets hope the weather will be kinder this week!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Extra Day Medal
Wednesday 17th August
09.22 A. Grewar I. Hughes S. Peacock
09.30 S. Bailey C. Bushby F. Christie
09.37 C. Tinker J. Merry R. Fraser
09.45 M. Robertson R. McGeoghegan W. Nicol
09.52 J. McCouig A. MacLachlan J. Barron
10.00 R. McIntosh M. Strachan G. Allardice

05.22 S.Scott D. Butchart M. West

Outwith the draw
S. Bushby A. Bushby D. Tinker J. Groom J. Taylor

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Lady Captain Annette Grewar certainly provided an excellent day for all lady members yesterday. On one of the hottest days of the year, Annette kindly provided cool drinks and sweets to sustains us during our round, then a very refreshing and welcomed pimms on completion of our game and exploits on the putting green! Once we were all in a wonderful 'Strawberry Tea' was produced courtesy of Annette. This was hugely appreciated by all.

39 ladies took part and Annette welcomed three junior members who took part Charlotte, Lucy and Suzanne, and hoped they would continue to join the ladies over the summer. She also extended a warm welcolme to Country Members Kay and Penny who are back on holiday for the summer. Annette thanked all the ladies for taking part and supporting her on Lady Captains Day.

The results of the day was as follows:

Silver Nearest the Pin Sheena Peacock
Bronze Nearest the Pin Charlotte Bushby

Silver Longest Drive Joan Merry
Bronze Longest Drive Fanny Christie

Best Front nine (outside prizewinners) Eleanor Fenwick

Putting Competition Isobel Hughes

Overall Winner Mary West 64 (bih)
2nd Barbara Maxwell (64)
3rd Charlotte Bushby (68)
4th Fanny Christie (69) bih

There were 3 69's in total. The CSS was 71

Everyone enjoyed their day and a vote of thanks to Annette was given by Mary West and Chris Sturgis.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Pleased to see a good entry for the competition. Hope its as good a day as Lady Captain's Day.
The draw is as follows.

Saturday 17th August

12.45 S. Bushby I.Hughes R. Fraser
12.52 M. West A. Grewar G.Allardice
13.00 C. Bushby D. Butchart K. Finlay
13.07 J. Taylor F. Christie S. Scott A. Bushby
13.15 M. Young C. Sturgis M. Robertson J. Groom

Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


The warm weather certainly bought the best out in Rhoda Fraser yesterday. Rhoda who has had some great scores recently produced yet another one when whe topped the score sheet with 40points. Excellent scoring well done. Rhona McGeoghegan wasn't far behind her with 38 points and Jenny Groom came third with 35 points. Well done to you all. The CSS was 72.

Monday, August 08, 2005


A mixed Texas Scramble has been organised for next sunday (14th August). The draw will be around 12 noon. A sign in sheet will be posted on the mixed board so please sign up and come along to have a fun game on Sunday.

Another enjoyable mixed competition was held yesterday. The weather was more than a bit blustery however that did not deter 5 couples who scored 40 points or more! The full results are as follows:

Ladies Nearest the Pin (6th) Hiroko Graham
Gents Nearest the Pin (4th) Iain Butchart

Ladies Nearest the Pin in 2 (10th) Mary Menzies
Gents Nearest the Pin in 2 (15th) Peter Tinker

Ladies Longest Drive (18th) Dawn Butchart
Gents Longest Drive (7th) Brian Groom

5th Place John and Mary Menzies 40 points
4th Place Iain and Dawn Butchart 40 points bih
3rd Place Brian and Jenny Groom 41 points
2nd Place Sandy and Marion Robertson 43 points

Overall Winners - Jack and Sheena Scott 44 points

Well Done everyone and a big thank you from Iain and Dawn for taking part.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


This will be a two tee start. A putting Competiton will be held, so please make you way to the putting green following your round.
Annette is also kindly proving us all with a Strawberry Tea.

The draw is as follows: Green is First Tee and Red is 10th tee!

10.00 D. Butchart J. Merry R. McGeoghegan
10.00 J. Groom M. Robertson S. Brough

10.07 R. McIntosh E. Fenwick M. West

10.07 J. Taylor J. Goodfellow L. Gilmour

10.15 K. Findlay A. Maclachlan S. Peacock

10.15 M. Menzies C. Tinker J. McCouig

10.22 R. Fraser L. Ross L. Davidson

10.22 F. Christie R. Wight W. Nicoll

10.30 M. Nicol S. Bailey M. Strachan
10.30 C. Bushby B. Buckett M. Young

10.37 S. Bushby H. Graham J. Douglas
10.37 B. Maxwell C. Stugis S. Scott

10.45 G. Allardice M. Ogilvie I. Hughes

Annette would like to thank you for your support at a wonderful turn out and hopes you all enjoy your day.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Yesterday whilst playing in the LGU Medal our Lady Captain, Annette Grewar, holed a 9 iron from the trees on the left of the fairway for a 2 on the 16th!!! Wow! Annette then went on the win the Silver Medal with a nett 68. Well done Annette!
In the Bronze division Rhona McIntosh and Charlotte Bushby both had a 69, Rhona just pipped Charlotte by a better inward half. The full results were as follows:

CSS 72

Dawn Butchart 82

Silver Medal
Annette Grewar (18) 68
Sheena Scott (14) 71
Joan Merry (19) 73

Bronze Medal
Rhona McIntosh (32) 69
Charlotte Bushby (24) 69
Barbara Maxwell (31) 70

Well done all.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Calling all ladies who can play on sunday to sign up for the I&D Insurance Services Mixed event. If you do not have a partner we will get you one! The prizes for the day include Nearest the Pin and longest drive, so please come along if you can and support the event.

Please also sign up for Lady Captain Day which is to be held next wednesday. There will be a two tee start at 10am, so please come along and give your support to your Lady Captain, Annette.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Marion Robertson posted 39 points last night in our Summer League competition, this was a super score for Marion, well done. Rhoda Fraser also kept up her good form and scored 37 points and Joan McCouig was also in the top three with 36 points. These good scores brought the CSS down to 71 for the day.

Well done ladies.

Monday, August 01, 2005


A group of ladies went along to Kirriemuir on Friday to play in the Senior Ladies Open. Joan Merry once again won her age group, well done Joan. However the ladies were rather shy about the scores so unfortunately I cannot publish them!! As Iain and played there on Sunday and we are also very shy about telling you our score least said the better!

The draw for Wednesday is as follows:

09.30 A. Grewar, J. Merry, M. Robertson
09.37 E. Fenwick, C Bushby, G. Allardice
09.45 I, Hughes, R. Wight, R. Fraser
09.52 R. McGeoghegan, J. McCouig, R. McIntosh
10.00 L. Davidson, M. Strachan, M. Nicol

Lunch time
12.00 B. Maxwell, I. Smith


17.22 D. Butchart, S. Scott
17.30 J. Groom, F. Christie, M. West

Saturday's Scott Trophy ended up a bit of a marathon however it didn't seem to put Sheena Scott off. Sheena shot a nett 72 and Alexandra Bushby also managed to keep her concentration and posted a scratch 78. The CSS was 72.

Well done

Thursday, July 28, 2005


The Scott Trophy round 5 will be held on Saturday from 12 noon. The draw is as follows:

12.00 G.Allardice C. Tinker
12.07 A. Bushby I. Hughes D. Butchart
12.15 C. Bushby R. Fraser C. Sturgis
12.22 M. West R. McGeoghegan J. Groom
12.30 M. Robertson S. Scott S. Bushby

Have a nice day

Dawn Butchart broke the course record last night by shooting a scratch 70. Dawn was accompanied by Fanny Christie. The Scoring by all was extremely low and the CSS went down to 71. The results were as follows:


Dawn Butchart 70

Dawn Butchart (5) 65
Dawn Tinker (19) 70
Anette Grewar (18) 71

Rhona McGeoghegan (32) 67
Fanny Christie (28) 68
Jenny Groom (24) 69 bih
Charlotte Bushby (24) 69

Well done to everyone.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Rhoda Fraser is certainly playing well, on the back of her win with Eric Gray on sunday she shot 37 points in the Summer League yesterday. The scissors are well and truly out!! Well done Rhoda, keep it up!
The CSS was 75 and reduction only.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Congratulations go to Rhoda Fraser and Eric Gray who played great golf yesterday to win the Kinpurnie Cup. Their stableford score of 44 was one better than second place pairing Jack and Sheena Scott.

The results were as follows:

Rhoda Fraser and Eric Gray 44 points
Sheena and Jack Scott 43 points
Dawn and Iain Butchart 42 points

Well done again Rhoda and Eric.

Please sign up for the next mixed event which is the I&D Insurance Shield which will be held on Sunday August 7th.

Friday, July 22, 2005


The above Brooch and Medal will be played on Wednesday 27th July. The draw is as follows:
09.07 C. Sturgis A. Grewar
09.15 W. Nicoll S. Peacock
09.22 R. Fraser M. Robertson L. Davidson
09.30 M. Menzies A. Machlaclan C. Tinker
09.37 M. Strachan M. Ogilvie J. Douglas
09.45 S. Bushby E. Fenwick J. McCouig
09.52 R. Wight I. Hughes C. Bushby
10.00 G. Allardice R. McGeoghegan J. Merry

Lunch Time
No Draw

17.22 F. Christie M. West D. Butchart

Outwith the draw
J. Groom & D. Tinker

Play Well!!

Strathmore Ladies played an inter-club match against Glenisla yesterday. All the ladies who took part enjoyed the course and our thanks go to the Glenisla Ladies committee for hosting the day.
Anke Maclachlan played great golf yesterday and along with her partner Joan Merry, were a wining combination however unfortunately the other pairings did not fair so well and the overall score for the day was 3-1 for Glenisla.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Charlotte Bushby and Rhona McIntosh both had a great round yesterday with 38 points each however Charlotte just pipped Rhona with a better inward half. Charlotte had a cut to her handicap - well done!

The CSS was 71 and the results were as follows:

Charlotte Bushby 38
Rhona McIntosh 38
Dawn Butchart 36
Anke Maclachlan 35

See you Sunday!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Past Captain Joan Merry won 1st place for her age group at Edzells Senior Ladies Open yesterday. Following her fantastic nett 65 last week which resulted in a cut of 2 shots and her well earned place in the silver division, Joan has once again played one under the CSS 73 for the day.

Well done Joan!

Monday, July 18, 2005


To follow is the draw for Wednesday, lets hope this weather keeps up!

09.15 C. Bushby I. Hughes A. Grewar
09.22 R. McIntosh C. Tinker J. McCouig
09.30 S. Peacock E. Fenwick M. Young
09.37 R Wight S. Bailey M. Nicol
09.45 G. Allardice S. Bushby M. Menzies
09.52 M. Ogilvie J. Merry C. Sturgis
10.00 R. McGeoghegan A. Machlaclan B. Maxwell

Lunch Time

No Draw

17.15 S. Scott F. Christie
17.22 D. Butchart M. West

Entry Fee £1.00 – Sparks Optional £1.00
Strathmore Ladies Website

This web site will show all draws and results as soon as possible. I would also ask that you return all your away scores either to my Email address which is or by telephone or by completing an away score form in the locker room and placing in the box.

We would also like to provide as much news as possible as to what is happening within the club and outwith the club for all our members. Therefore if you have any news or if anyone has done well away at any opens etc then please let us know by email or telephone.
