Tuesday, September 05, 2006


16 Strathmore Ladies took part in the Letham Grange Senior Ladies Open yesterday and three of them were on the prizewinners list.
Joan was second equal in silver, Rhona was second in bronze with Sally in fourth place. Several other ladies were lucky in the raffle and the rest of the ladies enjoyed a great day and an even greater meal at the Strathmore Arms!!!

Here are the top few scores:

Par 65 CSS 65

Rhona McGeoghegan 88 ( 26) - 62
Joan Merry 83 (18) - 65
Sally Fenner 89 (24) - 65
Jenny Groom 94(26) - 68

Mary Menzies 94 (25)- 69
Sheila Bailey 104 (34) - 70

Well done all!!