Monday, November 13, 2006


Strathmore Golf Club held there annual general meeting on Friday night. It was followed by Prizegiving. Below is some photo's of the evening.

Lady Prize Winners:
Back row left to right, Linda Holmes, Jane Taylor, Chris Sturgis, Jane Douglas, Fanny Christie, Sally Fenner, Dawn Butchart, Lesly Haynes and Jenny Groom.
Front Row right to left, Megan Aird, Margaret Young, Sheena Scott, Alexandra Bushby, Annette Grewar, Mary West and Sandy Bushby.

Above is the Ladies Committee for 2007. They are as follows:
Back row right to left, Dawn Butchart (handicap secretary), Alexandra Bushby, Chris Sturgis (Secretary). Front row left to right Sheena Scott (Treasurer), Rhona McGeoghegan (Vice Captain), Jane Taylor (Lady Captain) and Jenny Groom (Competition Secretary) Missing was Marion Robertson who is recovering in hospital. We all wish her a speedy recovery.

Below is a photo of the Gents Section prizewinner:

Thanks go to the Centre who provided us all with a Drink and Nibbles.