Wednesday, January 03, 2007


The holiday period saw three mixed events taking place at Strathmore. Each event was well supported with as many as 36 members taking part. Boxing Day saw a Texas Scramble and the winning team was Mark Scott, Ian Taylor, Stephen Schofield and Sally Fenner. On Saturday 30th a mixed Tri-am was held and the winning team was Frank Moran, Eric Gray and Mark Truswell. Yesterday was the day of our annual 'Sair Heed Bash' which was once again a Texas Scramble. The winning team was Chris Sturgis, Dawn Butchart, Graham Bullock and Ken Sutherland. Our President Peter Tinker presented the prizes.
After each event most members stayed and enjoyed a great meal provided by our chef Lindsay. These events are extremely popular and our thanks as always go to our Mixed conveners Iain Butchart and Marion Robertson for their time and efforts.
Marion and Iain are hoping to arrange further events over the winter so please keep a close eye to the mixed board!
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The winning Team from Right to Left Chris Sturgis, Dawn Butchart, Pete Tinker (President) Graham Bullock and Ken Sutherland.

Sorry I don't have any photo's from the Boxing Day or the tri-am but my camera was broken and I only just got a new one. But there will be no stopping me now!!