Thursday, June 28, 2007


I know that David was trying to introduce new forms of wild life to the pond at the 5th however I don't think that Eric's golf bag was quite what he had in mind!

Eric Gray and his playing partners Frank Moran, David Robinson and Graham Haynes were on the white tee at the 5th when Eric's bag suddenly took off, it did stop for a moment (bit of a tease) then took off again and even with cries of stop - or words like that- from Eric, it continued on its merry way straight into the new part of the pond. It took a driver to pull it close enough to edge to enable Eric to pull it from its watery grave. Once the bag and trolley were out all that was left in the water was the battery. It took a 3 iron and Graham Haynes fishing prowess to hook that. (No pun intended). However the ball that Eric played from the Tee after the incident is still in the pond!! Even Graham couldn't save that one! Surprisingly after a bit of a cough and a splutter the trolley was in perfect working order.

Alex, Rhoda and myself were playing behind and with the help of Alex and Frank's phone cameras we were able to capture the moment!! Talk about being in the right place at the right time!!

Photos Courtesy of giggling girls and laughing out loud guys!!