After last week's winning scores which resembled temperatures in a heatwave it was back to earth this week with a meagre 20 points leading the way. Alas, there were 2 winning scores, so the Lady Captain kept careful watch as the scores were entered into the computer. The suspense was electric -- who would win on the Countback ? After a bit of dithering caused by one potential winner claiming her score was in the computer when it was, in fact, lying on the cloakroom bench, the computer announced it was a Dead Heat! Dreams of winning the Sweep turned to dust, the lolly had to be shared. Well done to Heather Dawson and Sally Fenner - and a word for the shady lady who appeared in a black Zorro-style bandit mask this morning - we know who you are, we are watching you... you are a Marked Woman.
Lady Captain - Judy Goodfellow - Vice Captain - Diane McLuskey -
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
After last week's winning scores which resembled temperatures in a heatwave it was back to earth this week with a meagre 20 points leading the way. Alas, there were 2 winning scores, so the Lady Captain kept careful watch as the scores were entered into the computer. The suspense was electric -- who would win on the Countback ? After a bit of dithering caused by one potential winner claiming her score was in the computer when it was, in fact, lying on the cloakroom bench, the computer announced it was a Dead Heat! Dreams of winning the Sweep turned to dust, the lolly had to be shared. Well done to Heather Dawson and Sally Fenner - and a word for the shady lady who appeared in a black Zorro-style bandit mask this morning - we know who you are, we are watching you... you are a Marked Woman.