The latest forecast on Wednesday 6th January is that the snow will last for another 10 days!! Some hardy souls did venture to the clubhouse for a quick coffee and a moan about the lack of golf. As we have no results to report this week, here are some thoughts to cheer you all up as we start the New Year.
" I can't give up golf - I have too many sweaters"~ Bob Hope
"When I die, bury me on the golf course so my husband will visit. " ~Author Unknown
"The older I get, the better I used to be.~ Lee Trevino
"How can they beat me at golf? I've been struck by lightning, had two back operations, and been divorced twice." ~ Lee Trevino
The schoolteacher was taking her first golfing lesson. "Is the word spelt p-u-t or p-u-t-t?" she asked the instructor. "P-u-t-t is correct," he replied. "Put means to place a thing where you want it. Putt means merely a vain attempt to do the same thing."
Your best round of golf will be followed almost immediately by your worst round ever. The probability of the latter increases with the number of people you tell about the former.