Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Signing up for competitions online

We have been trying to find a simple way of allowing the ladies to sign up online as an alternative way of putting your name down for a competition. This could be useful for people who live further away from the club, are away on holiday or just for those who find it easier to use. It will also allow you to take your name off a list without going up to the club as long as this is done before the draw has taken place.
We have decided to trial this for a few weeks until the end of September to allow us to see whether it is something that ladies find useful and also to get feedback from you on anything which might make it easier/better.
Having looked at a few ways of doing this we have decided to set up another BlogSpot purely for signing up for competitions - this will be updated after every draw. At the moment we have put a list of dates up for the remainder of August and September.
We have made up a simple guide on how to access the blog along with the sign in information and if you are interested in using this if you e mail me back, I will send you the instructions. I am also happy to show anyone how to use this at the club or chat through on the phone at any time. The other members of the committee have also tried it so hopefully lots of help available.
We are not replacing the sign-up sheets which are in the locker room - just providing another way.
If you require any help or would like a copy of the instructions please contact Connie on 07876 228184.