Friday, November 06, 2020


Now that we are due to start the Winter League on Monday we thought it might be worth reminding you of a few things.

Ann has put up a list which shows what our Playing Handicap will be for the Winter League competition. We will be playing off 3/4 of our new Handicap Index and over the winter 12 hole course.

Only 2 cards can be submitted each week for the WL and eclectic, although you can play 3 times a week. Only the two counting cards need to be entered on the system. Given the current restrictions two matches can be played outwith the draw. Anyone playing outwith the draw should add their names to the blog sign up sheet along with the dates they intend to play. All bunkers are GUR and there are preferred lies on the fairways.


Scores can be entered through the How Did I Do app on your phone or on How Did I Do on the computer under Today’s Golf. The app allows us to sign in, put in the name of our marker and input our score. The PSI is operational again and you can, if you wish, enter your score on the PSI but please ensure to sanitise your hands “before and  after use” and sanitise the PSI as well.


Cards can also be left in the box and Connie will enter these into the system. The results for the three weekly competitions will be published once a week.


Due to the ongoing restrictions you will need to keep your own eclectic record sheet and these are available on the notice board. These need to be handed in to Connie at the end of the WL. The first round of the eclectic must be played over 18 holes, two cards can be entered each week and any number of changes can be made.


As normal the knockouts will be played on full handicaps and these have been entered on the sheets. For the doubles the handicap is half the combined handicaps.




