Wednesday, December 07, 2022


What a great day was had by all.  Unfortunately the buggies were not allowed out but that did not deter 27 of you from braving the cold and frosty weather - well done to you all.  Well done Liz on your win with a closely fought  2nd place by Mary - good scoring.

Well done to Lesley Redden for winning the  Christmas cake so kindly made for us by Katie, thanks Katie.

After the long awaited good food, and although time did run away with itself, that did not prevent the community singing element which some did better than others.  A special mention must go to Rhona McGeoghegan who managed to translate, Christmas Alphabet with ease.  A great laugh - well done Rhona!

Can I also thank all the committee who helped in making the day run so smoothly.  The day takes a lot of putting together and having a great team there makes life so much easier and enjoyable for us all, thank you.

Finally, without all of you and your kind contributions we would never have managed to raise such a large amount of money for the Captain's charity - Elder Voice, a total of £301.80 was raised.  Thank you everyone.

For those whom we may not see again until the New Year, may I wish you all a very Merry, safe and healthy Christmas.
